Friday, April 1, 2011

The Stranglehold of English Lit.

" The Stranglehold of English Lit." By: Felix Mnthali

         How can everyone only talk about Jane Austen's people and forget about what " REALLY" went on.  The text relates to me by, I always ask myself, " why do people ( family and friends) only see the mistakes I have made in my life and don't see the accomplishments in my life.  The part in the poem that states," While history went on mocking the victims of branding irons and sugar-plantations that made Jane Austen's people wealthy beyond compare!"  People are talking about certain things that went on not thinking about or saying anything about other situations that happened.  They "CHOOSE" not to see!
         That part of the poem also supports the reason why I agree with the author Felix Mnthali.  Humans in this world today only see or hear what they want to see or hear.  The poem was a little challenging to me.  For example, the part where he says," Your elegance of deceit, Jane Austen lulled the sons and daughters of the dispossessed into a calf-love with irony and satire around imaginary people."  This part confused me!  I was completely lost!
         I probably would not read anything else like this unless it was made a little less confusing to me.  I am not saying he is not a good writer.  I just dont like reading texts that confuses me.

1 comment:

  1. You make a good point about how people can choose to see or not to see what is going on around them. Isn't this similar to the way that Borges suggested that we make our own realities in our minds? The part where the author talks about the dispossessed is where he is talking about the Africans who had to leave Africa to get an education abroad and got even further snared in the colonial mindset.
